Saturday, August 8, 2009

Introducing Our First Food Dude and Dudette of the Month!

I am happy to announce a new monthly feature for WWEIL, the start of our Food Dude and Dudette of the Month Contest. If you would like to be featured on our blog please send a unique picture of you eating or a pic of some creative food that you made (don't forget to add a description of what's going on) to with Food Dude or Food Dudette in the subject line and make sure to get it in before the 1st of the month you're vying for. If you get picked we will send you a survey about your food related interests and then post it and the picture up the first week of that month. We hope to feature a new dude and dudette every month!

Our August winners are below. Congrats on your astounding food preparation and consumption abilities!

August's Food Dude:
Alex, Chicago Illinois, eating ribs

Last thing you ate?
Last night I had a burrito the size of your head from La Pasadita. It was the infamous "Super Burrito." This place is hilarious- there are three different La Pasadita's all within the block, and on the same street.

Best thing you’ve eaten recently?
Ribs, cornbread, mac and cheese, and baked beans from Hickory's BBQ in Chicago. It's BYOB and connected to a gas station.

All time favorite food?
Enchiladas, no meat...I'm definitely no vegetarian, but cheese, rice and beans only need to be in the center of these bad boys.

Favorite dessert?
Cappuccino's are a great way to end a great meal.

Favorite local restaurant?
Kuma's Corner. Infamous for being a Heavy Metal bar that serves huge burgers with absurd toppings on them. All the burgers are named after metal bands. I recommend "The Slayer," "The Pantera," and "The Neurosis."

Favorite chain restaurant?
Qdoba makes a great Queso Burrito. They often end up larger than Chipotle burritos too.

Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Goose Island Orange Cream Soda.

Favorite alcoholic beverage?
Anything made by Lagunita's brewery.

Ultimate food day? And/or best breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack?
I've never done this, but it's called "The Meat Wave." You go to Hot Doug's (Anthony Bourdain loves this place) for lunch. They close at 4pm and have strange hours and the strangest hot dogs on the planet. The last time I went you could get a Rattlesnake hot dog. Once you get your obscure meat from Hot Doug's, you head to Kuma's Corner for a nice dinner. Hence, The Meat Wave.

Favorite food to make yourself?
I thoroughly enjoy making my own pizzas and enchiladas.

What do you bring to a pot luck?
Potato Salad, and Orange Sorbet.

What's your least favorite food?
Everyone hates me for this, but I can't do Italian. Too much garlic is my enemy.

What do you do when you're not eating or drinking?
That is a big part of my day, but I am also writer and graduate student in Chicago. I enjoy riding bikes, baseball, making music, and a good game of bowling.

August's Food Dudette:
Eryn, Balitmore Maryland, prego cupcakes she made for the season finale of "16 and Pregnant"

Last thing you ate?

oreo pudding pie!

Best thing you’ve eaten recently?
the best thing i ever eat is cheesebread with sauce on the side from luna bella

All time favorite food?
french fries, bagels, boca burgers, pizza, brownies. i love fooder.

Favorite dessert?
all of them. specifically, things with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge and a chocolate cakey base.

Favorite local restaurant?
luna bella

Favorite chain restaurant?
red robin!!!!

Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
water. i also like cranberry juice, coke, raspberry lemonade, shirley temples and hot chocolate.

Favorite alcoholic beverage?
vodka, warm and cheap.

Ultimate food day? And/or best breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack?
cheddar omelette, wheat toast, potatoes and fresh oj from eggspectations.

i never eat lunch so i dont know. :( sometimes i eat bagels in the middle of the day though.

chips and salsa for a snack.

for dinner i would have a boca burger and fries from red robin with a chocolate and peanut butter milkshake.

dessert would be a hot fudge cake with whipped cream and vanilla bean ice cream.

Favorite food to make yourself?
i hate making food myself and i believe that when others make you food, it tastes better.

What do you bring to a pot luck?
oreo pie.

What's your least favorite food?
meat. any and all meat.

What do you do when you're not eating or drinking?
break hearts and crush skulls.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! love it! that picture of alex is effin classic. i want russ to photo shop my face in there so it can be my profile picture forever.
