Monday, September 7, 2009

September's Food Dude and Food Dudette

This month started off with one of the most pleasant days all summer cool and crisp, yet sunny (and no flippin' humidity!) other words, the perfect jacket weather. September is boss because it brings us fall, a season chocked full of the best food known on earth. The rich breeze coupled with the first few trees on the block changing their shade, is a comforting reminder that Halloween is on it's way and soon the grocery store will be carrying apple cider, and pumpkin pie en masse. Everywhere I turn it seems there is another magazine teaching it's readers how to make a cake look spider webed, or like a graveyard (complete with gummi worms). Pumpkins replace flower pots on porch stoops and roadside booths that once sold corn earlier in the year now have gourds and apples. This month is rich with both delectable dishes and novelty noshes, ensuring we will provide you with enough fodder to feed your feasting eyes for weeks! And to kick it all off, this month we have a Dude and Dudette with a hunger for the absurd.

September's Food Dudette:
Kristy, Ann Arbor Michigan, eating yellow watermelon found at a local Farmer's Market

Last thing you ate?
A thick slice of double oatmeal bread, toasted and buttered.

Best thing you’ve eaten recently?

I bought a stove top waffle iron from the Salvation Army for $4.50, and recently made a yeasted waffle recipe. These were ultra tasty, with caramelized sugar in them. They definitely required no additional toppings.

All time favorite food?
Rhubarb. While it isn't easy to come by, and doesn't work with everything, it's my hands-down all time favorite. It's best used in baking, but I normally sneak a few bites of it uncooked here and there. Apparently in some areas of Europe, rhubarb stalks are broken off, dipped in sugar, and then snacked on as a sweet treat.

Favorite dessert?
Honestly, I always enjoy fruit cobbler. It's pretty, easy, tastes ultra fresh, can have differing ingredients from time to time, and is generally delicious. I like large pearl tapioca pudding, but that is much, much easier to screw up.

Favorite local restaurant?
Angelo's. It's a breakfast and lunch eatery close to my home in Ann Arbor. Go for the breakfast. They make their own bread, and also serve a wicked deep fried french toast with fruit. I typically order their eggs florentine on wheat, and they serve it with a thick slice of tomato on top.

Favorite chain restaurant?
I don't know if it's a favorite, but it's definitely something I lean toward - I habitually will order a greasy grilled cheese and fries at Big Boy. It just seems like the right thing to get if I end up at one. If I order something else while there, I always wish I had gotten one of these instead.

Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
I enjoy coffee almost daily. I don't regularly hit up any coffee shops, but I really enjoy a good cuppa. The french press at home has been in use a lot lately. When it gets colder out, the cheapie espresso machine is going to start working some magic. I pick up coffee from a local roaster, Roos Roast. I'm a big fan of their "Rich French Neighbor" blend.

Favorite alcoholic beverage?
I always thought I would love mint juleps, but haven't ever managed to try one. I have, however, enjoyed rye whiskey with a friend from Denmark and it was amazing. That could definitely be my standby drink, if I ever get around to buying a bottle.

Ultimate food day? (i.e. best breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack)?

It would definitely start at the farmer's market. Ann Arbor has a terrific following for locally grown and home grown foods. I love to go there and find out what new items are in season. New on the scene this week: leeks, pears, and sweet potatoes. Ideally, I would have to make something using at least a few of the ingredients when I get home... or after breakfast at Angelo's.

Favorite food to make yourself?
After a long day, definitely a grilled cheese sandwich. On a day when I've got plenty of time to kill, I end up taking on obscenely difficult foods, or ones that have been perceived to be difficult. So far this year, I've made puff pastry, ravioli without machinery or presses, ice cream without a machine, hummus, and pita bread. Let's just say I like to challenge myself.

What do you bring to a pot luck?

Typically, I just ask the host or hostess if there is anything I can bring. It's awkward to hear side comments about not needing any more desserts, or having spaces to put more food. If they have food taken care of, I ask if they need plates or drinks. If it's a real pot luck, then I ask what other people are bringing, or if anything seems to be missing.

What's your least favorite food?

I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't like to make a meal out of meat. I'm very much into smaller portions - you know, the ones that are recommended, palm-sized or even half that. And if the meat is far overdone, there is a good chance that I won't have much of it at all.

Favorite and/or least favorite food celeb?

Possibly an un-celeb. Or an inter-celeb. I don't have cable TV at home, and haven't for years, though I do occasionally look up recipes from Food Network or catch shows (Iron Chef is great). I enjoy the honesty, enthusiasm, and awesome presentation Deb at offers. This woman's photos food-tease me into making those recipes. I can't resist.

What do you do when you're not eating or drinking?
I lead a simple life. I knit, and go to the library. I'm also trying to take in as much of the nice weather as I can before this area grows a layer of snow and ice. I'm not entirely against snow and ice, it's just a bit nicer to take walks when you don't have to worry about windchill.

September's Food Dude:
John, Washington DC, eating a foot long hot dog at the Minnesota State Fair

Last thing you ate?
Coffee Cake, 1% Milk, Spaghetti w/Spicy Italian Sausage

Best thing you’ve eaten recently?
Although many of the items I consumed at the Minnesota State Fair were excellent, the classic foot long hot dog w/grilled onions wins out [it sure does! the proof is in the picture].

All time favorite food?
Apple Pie, made by my mother (awwwwww) with Haralson Apples. Haralsons are tart and crisp, ideal for pie making!

Favorite dessert?
See Above

Favorite local restaurant?
I really enjoy the Commonwealth Gastro-Pub in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of DC. British food is actually really underrated. The London Broil there is tops.

Favorite chain restaurant?
Chipotle, hands down. Great food, always consistent. I also appreciate their efforts to carry humanely raised meat. I tried Qdoba for the first time recently, and have to say that Alex [August's Food Dude] is 100% wrong. Although when I went, they managed to also screw up my order which didn't help.

Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Probably coffee, as it is essential to my well being. I know everyone makes some kind of remark about being "addicted" to caffeine, but I am in some serious trouble without my coffee.

Favorite alcoholic beverage?
Gin and Tonic, with Plymouth Gin, and preferably with a lime.

Ultimate food day (i.e. best breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack)?
Breakfast: Huevos Rancheros, with plenty of hot sauce. Yum!
Lunch: Grilled cheese sandwich with sharp white cheddar (Cabot is my current fav) and tomatoes
Dinner: I haven't had as much good BBQ as I'd like to, but Arthur Bryant's in Kansas City is the best I've had. I'd opt for the pork sandwich.
Dessert: Mom's apple pie, or getting a bucket of cookies at the Minnesota State Fair (followed by a visit to the all you can drink milk booth).
Snack: Cat Cookies (For People) from Trader Joe's.

Favorite food to make yourself?
A Japanese curry noddle dish I found in Veganomicon. Tasty for non-vegans too!

What do you bring to a pot luck?
Usually I get lazy and bring beer or chips, but when I'm less of a slacker I bring deviled eggs.

What's your least favorite food?
White Chocolate makes me instantly sick. I also hate Lima Beans and cannot be convinced otherwise.

Favorite and/or least favorite food celeb?
Gordon Ramsay is my favorite, but not the Americanized one that appears on Fox. Watch the BBC version of "Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares" for the Gordon I know and love. Best reality show ever. Rachel Ray is my least favorite because there isn't anything unique about what she cooks, she endorses a bunch of crap products all the time, and I find her voice fairly annoying.

What do you do when you're not eating or drinking?
Well, since I've been unemployed, not much else. But I do enjoy traveling, watching baseball, and being homemaker for my girlfriend.

I'm happy to announce that there was some tuff competition to be WWEIL's Food Dude/Dudette this month, so thanks to all of you that contributed to this new feature! We look forward to continuing to grow our project to more features like this that will require some audience participation. With your continued support and roaring bellies we can keep it up!

If you would like to be the Food Dude or Food Dudette of the month email us pics of you eating, or making something that'll tickle our ribs and for the shy crowd, you can also leave yourself out the mix if need be and just send us some photos of the process or final product. Hit us up with these along with some description of what's going on at our new personalized e-mail ! I can't wait to see what kind of spooky and kooky things you all come up with for October.

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