Sunday, February 7, 2010

Souper Market? I'll Take the Soup, Thanks!

With two west-side locations, Cleveland's Souper Market is an occasional treat enjoyed on the odd early trip to Lakewood or Ohio City.

At least it was until about two weeks ago!

As I was driving into work a few weeks back I noticed this sign in a window along Carnegie Avenue:
(OK, not this one exactly. This is one of the west-side locations, but the east-side shop is too new to have Internet pictures up yet)

I was so souprised I nearly wrecked my car rubbernecking!

It was about two days, though, before I was able to actually make it in, but it's safe to say that the new east-side Souper Market is every bit as good as its cross-town counterparts.

One of the great aspects of Souper Market is their willingness to give you samples before you make a decision, so my first trip in I tried a few spoonfuls before selecting their special for the week: Potato-Havarti-Bacon! This creamy potato-based soup has the cheese cooked into it so it's velvety smooth and luxuriantly rich. The goodness is ratcheted up a dozen notches or so by the addition of a generous handful of bacon added to the top. Veggie readers take comfort, though, many of Souper Market's offerings are meat optional so you could enjoy this, too! Vegan soup enthusiasts take heart! Souper Market regularly offers several vegan options, too!

My second trip earlier this week found me spoon deep in one of my favorite Souper Market offerings: Jambalaya! This thick, spicy concoction is loaded with tender pulled chicken, spicy chicken sausage and few shrimp. It's hearty, spicy, and filling; the perfect foil to Cleveland's often brutal winter days, but thankfully not so spicy as to be unpalatable.

The east-side installation of Souper Market is great news indeed as there are precious few places to get a quick delicious lunch in East Cleveland, I'm just going to have to make sure I don't eat there more than once a week!
Plus, Souper Market is more than great soup, they also offer a variety of healthy salads, delicious artisanal breads, and a rotating cast of sides. My first few west-side visits were accompanied by delicious pierogies. It seems that Souper Market is now proffering homemade Crab Cakes!

1 comment:

  1. I've since eaten the market's Thai coconut chicken soup which was amazing! Not a creamy soup like I expected, but a very hearty, rich tasting broth loaded with coconut and lime, tons of tender shreded chicken, and a few aromatic veggies. delicious, and one of their specials so it might not be around any more.

    Planning on lunch there today, too, so we'll see what this venture yeilds!
