Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Award for Best Supporting Organ in a Body Goes to... The Punished Liver! Or: How to Make Your Own Oscar and Feel Like a Million Bucks!

Looking for that perfect libation to liven up your Oscar party? Something that screams classy, yet provides total social lubrication? Well look no further, because What We Eat Is Laughable and your friendly neighborhood Liver Punisher have just the beverage for you!

Here’s how the magic happens:

Tall glass (pint, highball, old Taco-Bell cup, or anything that holds at least 12oz)
Plastic cocktail swords
Fruit garnish (cherry and orange slice)

Vodka (decent quality)
Peach Schnapps
Pineapple juice
Sweeter champagne or sparkling white wine

The Plot:
Fill glass with reasonable amount of ice. Add 2 parts Vodka to 1 part peach schnapps. Top with equal parts champagne and pineapple juice. Stir and garnish with fruit on sword. Enjoy!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Award for best Awards Themed Beverage goes to: the Oscar!

Regular readers may recognize this as a variation on a drink recipe I posted last year. This iteration swaps out the Vernor's for a sweeter (at least sec) champagne or sparkling white wine. The result should be a sweet, sparkling, Oscar-golden draught the imbues the consumer with the sense of granduer and self-worth that only comes from winning an Academy Award. Or being at least moderately tipsy.

After a long, exciting night with the Oscars, I've formulated a few variations. Where the recipe above is certainly award worthy, there's always room for an upgrade. To make a Picture of the Year sub out the cheap bubbly for the good stuff, say Korbel or Moet, and swap the peach schnapps for a peach infused brandy and trade up your Stoli for some Grey Goose. But for the big shots, the studio heads, the acclaimed auteur, or the long beloved actor you can make a Lifetime Achievement Award with Kaufman Luxury Vintage Vodka and some Dom Perignon! enjoy!

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